Zombie Attack/Apocalypse

 Zombie Attack/Apocalypse 

In this mod pack you survive in a zombie Apocalypse world, I made this only for my 100 days content ,, I hope you enjoy it, 


1.Craft a working station

(This recipe is hidden by Minecraft)

2.craft a house, yes you can craft a house not build,, 

3.level up explore 

4.Craft all rings and wand

5.after kill spider queen and 50days deactive Zombie Attack be resources & behavior pack and active Zombie Attack af 

6.It's makes harder and add bosses killed those bosses and end it 


There 2 Zombie Attack mod, 1. Zombie Attack be - active it at starting

2.Zombie Attack Af - deactivate last addon resources and behavior both packs then active it 


1.Wasteland mod at top  

2.  Zombie Attack be/af at 2nd position
3. Zexmod Pack - at 3rd