Mob Vote Minecraft 2022 Addon

 Mob Vote Minecraft 2022 Mod

Official Info  


You have to do is search chests in underwater ruins for sniffer eggs, bring them to the surface, and help them hatch. 

These gentle giants are known for their horticultural skills. They are the only ones who can find long lost ancient seeds that you can grow into new, unique plants! 


Find it three times and it will reward you with a special prize that will help your mining.

To find the rascal, dig deep below ground. You don’t have to go as far as the deep dark, just below Y=0. It may be mischievous, but it won’t lead you into a warden’s den! 

Tuff Golem

It’s time to meet the tuff golem, one of the three contenders in this year’s Mob Vote! This mob is also a statue – that moves! In its statue state, the tuff golem can hold and display any item you give it

Here Is The Mod On this 3 Concept  

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