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Wooden tools replace with flint Tools
Where from you get this idea?
I got this idea from Java Mod TerraFirmaCraft, where you can't mine tree with hand. (Note nothing is stolen even my progress system is different)
How to Break Tree?
Step 1- Break Tree Leaves And Collect Sticks
Step 2- Collect Wheat Seeds
Step 3 - Break Mini Rocks And Collect It.
Step 4 - Craft Cobblestone With Rocks
Step 5 - Find Gravel And Collect Flint
Step 6 - Craft Flint breaker
Step 7 - Hold Flint and Tap on Flint breaker, It Will Drop Flint Shard.
Step 8 -Craft Jungle Axe, Now you can Craft jungle Axe for chopping tree
""Only Jungle Axe Can Break Tree""
Will it Work With all addon?
Yes, If you have custom biome addon just set it above biome addon.