Piglin minion


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Piglin Capture is an addon that introduces the concept of capturing Piglins in a unique way. Players can use the "Empty Cage" item, which, when held near a Piglin, transforms into a "Captured Piglin" and traps the creature inside. This captured Piglin is then placed inside a special Piglin Cage block, where it remains contained for your use or display. A simple yet immersive way to capture and store Piglins!

Here’s how to use the Piglin Capture addon:

  1. Obtain the Empty Cage: First, craft or find the “Empty Cage” item. This item will be used to capture Piglins.

  2. Find a Piglin: Locate a Piglin in the Nether or other areas where they spawn.

  3. Get Close to the Piglin: Hold the Empty Cage in your hand and approach a Piglin.

  4. Capture the Piglin: Once close enough to the Piglin, the Empty Cage will automatically transform into a “Captured Piglin,” trapping the Piglin inside.

  5. Place the Piglin Cage Block: After capturing the Piglin, the item will turn into a Piglin Cage block. You can now place the cage block wherever you want, and the Piglin will stay inside it.

That’s it! You can now store and display captured Piglins or use them in different ways in your Minecraft world.
